The Media Accountability Project

CORNERS is working with Community Justice Action Fund and SKDK to conduct an extensive research project that tracks, analyzes, and catalogs local and national media coverage of gun violence in communities across the country.

This research project, which began in 2023, is a partnership between CORNERS and Northwestern University linguistics professor Rob Voigt. The study aims to quantitatively examine disparities in media depictions of incidents of gun violence using a computational, big-data approach.

The research project goals are as follows:

  1. To create a comprehensive analysis of the unequal media portrayal of gun violence victims in media markets in 10 cities nationwide, with a heavy emphasis on the Midwest
  2. To begin working with news outlets, journalists, educators, and community stakeholders to build a new and more accurate narrative on gun violence.

This project utilizes an extensive data linking effort between The Gun Violence Archive - the most comprehensive available record of gun violence incidents - and large digital archives of print and television media to answer large-scale questions about the media landscape of gun violence. 

To learn more about this project, please contact:
Susan Burtner
Research Director, Quantitative
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The Center for Neighborhood Engaged Research & Science (CORNERS) is housed at Northwestern University’s Institute for Policy Research. We develop transformative research projects with community and civic partners to improve neighborhood health and safety.
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