The North Lawndale Collaborative
The North Lawndale Collaborative (the Collaborative) is a first-of-its kind effort to coordinate outreach, referral, and services across violence prevention organizations to achieve “saturation” and dramatically reduce gun violence within the North Lawndale community on Chicago’s West Side.
The Collaborative brings together five partners – Chicago CRED, Communities Partnering 4 Peace, READI Chicago, and UCAN – working in North Lawndale to more effectively reach and serve those at highest risk of gun violence.
CORNERS is conducting a process and impact evaluation to answer the following key research questions:
- How effective is the Collaborative’s approach to serving a significant share of the highest risk individuals at reducing violence and increasing positive outcomes at the individual-level?
- How effective is the Collaborative’s approach to serving a significant share of the highest risk individuals at reducing violence and increasing positive outcomes at the community-level?
- What are the strengths and challenges of implementing the collaboration at scale and how does it change over time?
CORNERS’ evaluation of the Collaborative utilizes an innovative mixed methods research design that integrates diverse methods, data, and forms of analysis to create a robust research project that will help us understand the Collaborative’s impact at the individual and community levels.